  • Register for the 2025 Season!

    It's time to sign up for the 2025 Track Season!


    We are looking for dedicated athletes that can help take our program to the next level. If you can run, jump, or throw, or if you just love to compete, we would love to have you on our team! 


    The season starts on January 27th!


    Click Here To Sign-up for the 2025 Track Season!

    updated 1 week ago by Coach Tigue

  • Booster Club Payments and Uniforms

    Our track program is a self-funded program. In other words, with the exception of paying for some of the coaches' stipends, we do not receive any money from the school to pay for needed equipment, uniforms, transportation, and other important items needed to run a successful Track & Field program.
    This year's registration dues are $310 and payment will be due by Tuesday, January 14th, the night of our informational meeting. However, we encourage everyone to pay early if you can.
    Athletes must wear the team uniform during competitions. We are using the same uniforms we have used for the last few years so only new athletes and athletes that have lost or outgrown their old uniforms will need to purchase one. Once purchased, the uniform will belong to the athlete and can be used for for future track seasons. The cost for a new uniform is $90. For athletes who only need to replace part of the uniform, the top costs $45 and the bottoms cost $45.

    In summary, registration dues are $310 and if a uniform is needed, it will be an additional $90.

    There will be two methods of registration dues this year, either by check or though SchoolPay.

    Our preferred method of payment is through SchoolPay. Please use the following link to go to SchoolPay where you will be asked to make your selection(s) and complete a short form to make your payment.
    SchoolPay for Dues and Uniforms


    If paying by check, please make the check out to LHS Track Booster Club and please be sure to write the athlete name(s) on the memo line.
    Checks can be given directly to Coach Tigue in room 2302. Please don't just leave a check on his desk if he is not in his room!

    updated 1 week ago by Coach Tigue

  • Athlete Informational Meetings

    Anyone interested in joining the team should plan on attending one of the three brief informational meetings being held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week (December 9th, 10th, and 11th).


    The meetings will be held in Coach Tigue's room, room 2302, from 8:00 to 8:15 am. Please be on time!


    Looking forward to seeing you there!

    posted 1 week ago by Coach Tigue

  • Pre-Season Conditioning

    If you want to have a successful track season, it's important that you come into the season in-shape and ready to compete. If you are not currently participating in another sport, you should go ahead and get started with the exercise routines linked below. 


    Preason Conditioning

    posted 1 month ago by Coach Tigue

Upcoming Events
  • December 10
    Athlete Informational Meeting

    8:00 am to 8:15 am

    Room 2302

  • December 11
    Athlete Informational Meeting

    8:00 am to 8:15 am

    Room 2302

  • January 14
    Parent Informational Meeting

    Lambert Cafeteria

    6:30 to 7:30 pm

  • January 27
    Official Season Begins

    First Day of Official Practice

  • February 15
    Marietta Distance Carnival
  • February 22
    Alpharetta Invitational
  • February 26
    Lambert Wedensday #1
  • March 1
    Longhorn Stampede
  • March 8
    Jerry Arnold Invitational
  • March 12
    Lambert Wednesday #2
  • March 15
    North Gwinnett Twilight
  • March 20
    JV County Championship

    @West Forsyth

  • March 22
    FOCO Championships
  • March 26
    Lambert Wednesday #3
  • March 28
    Marist Mile
  • April 8
    West Forsyth Rust Buster

    @West Forsyth

  • April 16
    Lambert Wwednesday #4
  • April 23
    Region 6 Championship


  • April 25
    Region Championship Day 2


  • May 3
    Sectional Meet


  • May 9
    State Meet Day 1


  • May 10
    State Meet Day 2
